About Acupuncture
The acupuncture I practice is result-driven. While acupuncture helps restore balance and promote the bodies natural ability to heal and thrive, this is a process you should feel change. Whether it is pain that gets better, sleep or digestion that improves, hormone balance improves, improved organ function, general energy levels or whatever brings you in for treatment, these are processes that even after the first treatment, you should feel.
Plainly put, after acupuncture, you should feel better than when you walked in. As a bonus, not only does what brings someone in for treatment improve in the majority, often my patients comment on transformation in their lives, and feel a deeper resilience and capacity to cope with whatever challenges life may be presenting.
I practice a root-cause treatment approach that not only addresses symptoms, but helps support the bodies homeostasis on a systemic level which in turn addresses the cause of symptoms and helps eliminate their recurrence. This approach is different than treating simply at a symptomatic level, or what I call a ‘band-aid’ approach, where symptoms are alleviated for a time, but the cause of the symptoms isn’t addressed and symptoms return.
Acupuncture training involves a four-year Masters Degree which also includes significant Western Biomedical training for licensure and board examination.
The styles I practice include Classical Five Element Acupuncture, Neoclassical Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Tuina.
Acupuncture Treatment Rate - $115
Acupuncture Treatment Rate for Seniors (65+), Students, Veterans, and Healthcare Providers - $105
* I do accept a fixed percentage of patients to be seen at a sliding scale. Please inquire regarding availability.
*rates above are reduced ‘pay at the time of service’ rates.